This is quite disappointing. A sophisticated organisation like ECJ deserves an equally sophisticated app, not a fake one that does not even deliver the basics. Professionals need to follow a case via their smartphones please.
It works as an app, but the content is unavailable
The app would be very useful, but it is not user-friendly at all. I would use it if it was done better
Good for reference, thank you, but disappointed that nothing has been done with regards to push notifications for particular cases yet, even though, Alexander Ivanov pointed a year ago (11/05/2016) this would be a very useful tool for professionals.
Топа ми е това 9/11 рейтинг
Wonderful app to fuel my addiction
In love with this
Very useful!
useful app!! exl work!!:)
First of all - congratulations on the app you have developed, it is very intuitive and useful! Excellent work! From the standpoint of practical experience I would like to suggest the development of the following functionality of the app, which will be very useful: a push notification for issuance of a legal act in a certain field or concerning a certain regulatory act, defined by the user. This will help enormously to legal professionals and the business to keep eye on the developments in their respective fields of practice.